Yū TrimFit Discount Code

Click on the button below to automatically add a discount promo code to your order. Save 15% on one-time orders and 25% on subscription orders!

Barbara Boser

Yū Affiliate Partner

Use the Promo Code BARB to Save up to 25% on Yū Products

If you would like to order Yū TrimFit at a discounted price, you can use the Promo Code: BARB when you check out. Using the promo code BARB will give you 15% off any one-time orders and 25% off any subscription orders.

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Click on the button below and the TrimFit discount code will be automatically added

Click on the button below to automatically add a discount promo code to your order. Save 15% on one-time orders and 25% on subscription orders!

Adding the Promo Code Discount Manually

If you get to the checkout page and don’t see the discount tag pre-loaded, just type the word Discount into the box and click apply.

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